Professionals dedicated to ensuring the safety and reliability of reconditioned and remanufactured electrical equipment and apparatus gathered for the 2022 PEARL annual conference and exhibition.
The mission of the Professional Electrical Apparatus Reconditioning League (PEARL) is to advocate for reconditioned electrical equipment in the market by ensuring that member companies meet expected quality and performance standards. As a member of the organization, Circuit Breaker Sales aims to help achieve this mission by providing quality reconditioned products for its customers.
Group CBS’ strength in the industry make it a major player in the organization as it tries to compete with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Affiliate companies CBS Field Services, Advanced Electrical & Motor Controls (AEAMC), and Carolina Precision Switchgear are also PEARL members.
As a key member of the organization, Group CBS was very well represented at the 2022 PEARL Annual Conference & Exhibition in Frisco, TX, where professionals dedicated to ensuring the safety and reliability of reconditioned and remanufactured electrical equipment and apparatus gathered for the first time since 2019.

Paul Grein presented at the 2022 PEARL Annual Conference & Exhibition
The conference featured keynotes, sessions, special events, and technical certification exams. Paul Grein of Circuit Breaker Sales was among the speakers with his presentation “How to Effectively Implement PEARL Standards in your Business.” The interactive session provided logical and strategic recommendations for applying the PEARL – ANSI Electrical Equipment Reconditioning Standard. As part of the discussion, Grein helped attendees interpret National Electrical Code (NEC) reconditioning restrictions as well as when and how to use the inspect and test seal.
The technical certification exams are a key component of PEARL and its conference. Group CBS technicians are PEARL certified to meet competency and basic work level standards to ensure safe reconditioning and remanufacturing of electrical apparatus and equipment.
Conference attendees participated in a full-shop tour and reception at the Gainesville, TX, facility.
The company had the pleasure of hosting a full-shop tour at our Gainesville, TX, facility, which highlighted the low- and medium-voltage, vacuum retrofit, and switchgear divisions. Attendees were welcomed to the main shop area to pick the brains of representatives from AEAMC, Solid State Exchange and Repair, Vacuum Interrupters, and CBS ArcSafe. It was a great opportunity to share all the products, services, and capabilities Group CBS has to offer.